Delta Mop Systems
DMS 500
A weighted mop head (7lbs), Telescoping handle (up to 7') and 4 washable terry cotton mop pads included.

Instructions and Best Practices
Mop Setup
After unpacking all components from the shipping box, remove the black tab lock pin from the telescoping pole, then insert telescoping pole into adapter piece at the base of the mop. After holes of the telescoping pole and adapter are aligned, insert the black tab lock pin to hold the telescoping pole to the adapter.
Best Mopping Practices
When ready to clean floors, sweep and/or vacuum floors prior to mopping.
Use preferred cleaning solution of choice or simply use water. (Best Practice: spray floors ahead of time and allow for cleaning solution or water to loosen tough stains)
Insert the mop base into a mop pad. (Best Practice: Wet the mop pad and wring out excess water from the mop pad before inserting mop base into mop pad)
Turn telescoping mop handle to loosen mop pole to adjust telescoping mop pole height to desired height. Turn again to tighten position of telescoping pole. Apply firm pressure to properly tighten telescoping pole.
Clean floors (Best Practice: Place hands near hips or lower to push mop. As the mop pad dries up after time, either re-moisten mop pad or use new mop pad)
Adjust telescoping pole when in tight areas as necessary
Wash mop pads after use. (Best Practice: Wash mop pads immediately after use to keep mop pads looking new)
Please note, the Delta Mop is a heavy duty mopping system designed for those who want more effective cleaning out of their mopping experience. Being that the Delta Mop is heavier than traditional mops, a bit more effort will be required, but that added effort resulting in cleaner floors.